A black eye is a bruise around the eye. It happens when blood pools under the skin in the eye area. Most black eyes occur when something hits the face or head, but they can also develop after facial surgery. In general, a black eye isn’t serious. However, it could be a sign of a more severe injury, like a skull fracture.What causes black eyes?
Cold and warm treatment can help relieve a black eye. Ice can help to relieve the swelling and discomfort of a black eye. The person should apply ice for around 15 minutes every hour during the first day, and five times during the second. The person should use an ice pack, ice wrapped in a cloth, or a bag of frozen vegetables, wrapped in a cloth.How can you get rid of black eyes?
Most black eyes occur by accident while playing sports, working, or as a result of a car accident. Men are four times more likely to suffer black eyes than women. How Long It Takes to Heal? If you have sustained an eye injury that has caused a black eye, the first thing you should do to treat your black eye is put an ice pack on it.Who is likely to have black eyes?
For most people, black eyes heal in one to two weeks. Use of ice in the first 24 hours after the injury has the most significant effect on the speed with which the injury heals. For more complicated eye injuries, the prognosis depends on the severity and complexity of the injury.